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La Financière agricole du Québec

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Financing of Compensation and Administrative Costs

Compensation costs are financed at 60% by the Canadian government and 40% by the Québec government for the Wildlife Damage Compensation Program.

The compensation costs are fully financed (100%) by the Québec government for the Complementary Support Program.

Notice of Damage

A notice of damage is required. It is admissible as long as it is possible to verify that the damage was caused by waterfowl. A notice of damage may be sent by contacting your advisor.


Emergency measures

Work carried out to mitigate or prevent a drop in yield following waterfowl damage is compensated. The work must be authorized by La Financière agricole. Compensation is established based on the rates in effect in the framework of the Crop Insurance Program for emergency work carried out.

Drop in yield

Drops in yield are established as follows:

  • For hay, compensation is calculated based on a fixed rate per hectare depending on the extent of the damage.
  • For other crops, compensation is calculated according to an individual damage appraisal by comparing the yields of affected areas with those of unaffected areas. 

When waterfowl damage causes a drop in yield of greater than 10%, compensation is calculated as follows:

Compensation = (Loss X 90%) X Unit price Under crop insurance