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La Financière agricole du Québec

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Insurance and Income Protection

Stabilization Insurance

The Farm Income Stabilization Insurance program is a collective type of insurance. It protects your business against market and production cost fluctuations.

Crop Insurance

Crop insurance protects your crops against the risks associated with adverse weather conditions and uncontrollable natural phenomena. This program offers individual and collective protection.


AgriStability is a front-line program intervening to protect the overall income of your farm business. It is based on your actual financial information and stabilizes your income in the event of a decline in your production margin.


AgriInvest is an individual program based on savings. You can make an annual deposit into an account and, in turn, receive matching government contributions.


This individual program is based on savings just like the AgriInvest program. You can make an annual deposit into an account and, in turn, receive matching government contributions.

Agri-Québec Plus

The Agri-Québec Plus program offers complementary financial support to Québec’s farm businesses that participate in the AgriStability program and work in sectors not covered by ASRA or not supply-managed.

Measure for reimbursing financial information preparation fees

Ministerial Initiative on Compensating Agri-Environmental Practices

Cette initiative vise à reconnaitre et encourager financièrement les producteurs agricoles qui appliquent des pratiques agroenvironnementales sur leur entreprise.

Complementary assistance measure for certain horticultural crops affected during the 2023 growing season

Techno-Economic Profile Assistance Program

This program provides financial support to agricultural producers' associations for conducting a techno-economic study in their area of activity.

Emergency Fund for Porcine Epidemic Diarrhea, Swine Delta Coronavirus and Senecavirus A in Québec

This program is designed to support operations affected by PED and SDCV and assume certain additional costs required to combat the virus and mitigate the financial consequences related to the infection.


Farm producers, enroled or not in our different programs, may be eligible for waterfowl damage compensation under the Federal/Provincial Agri-Insurance Agreement.

Support Program for the Eradication of Chronic Wasting Disease in Cervids

This program provides financial assistance to producers affected by operations to eradicate chronic wasting disease in cervids.

Support Program for Improving Agroenvironmental Practises and Profitability in the Apple Industry

The Transition Assistance Program for the Milk-Fed Calf Sector is designed to financially support milk-fed calf operations during the transition period after eligibility of the Milk-Fed Calf product is withdrawn from the Farm Income Stabilization Insurance Program.

Financial Support Program for African Swine Fever Prevention and Preparedness

This program supports Quebec pig producers in their efforts to prepare for African swine fever.

Apiculture Support Program

This program supports Quebec pig producers in their efforts to prepare for African swine fever.