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La Financière agricole du Québec

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About us

Organizational Chart

Senior Management

Ernest Desrosiers, Chief Executive Officer

  • André Picard, Vice-President of Financing
  • André Houle, Vice-President of Insurance and Income Protection
  • Virginie Simard, Vice-President of Clientele 
  • François Rousseau, Vice-President of Information Technologies
  • Jean-Philippe Day, responsible of  the Vice-Presidency Administration

Answering directly to the Chief Executive Officer

  • General Secretariat and Legal Affairs Branch
    Félix Plante, General Secretary and Manager
  • Strategy, Performance and Sustainable Development Branch
    Andréanne Héroux, Manager
  • Internal Audit Branch
    Farid Al Mahsani, Manager

Financing Vice-Presidency

André Picard, Vice-President

  • Financial Product Management Branch
    Luc Pelletier, Manager
  • Research and Planning Branch
    Karine Guillemette, Acting Manager
  • Farm and Forestry Financing Branch
    Marie-Claude Bernard, Manager
  • Special Accounts Branch
    Yannick Therrien, Manager

Insurance and Income Protection Vice-Presidency

André Houle, Vice-President

  • Main Branch for Insurance Program Development
    Francis Goulet, Main Manager
    • Crop Insurance Branch
      Sophia Boivin, Manager
  • Program Integration Branch
     Annie Flamand, Manager
  • Insurance Project and Management Administration Branch
    Jérôme Gosselin, Manager

Information Technologies Vice-Presidency

François Rousseau, Vice-President

  • IT Solutions Branch for Insurance, Financing and, Customer Relations
    Sylvie Plamondon, Manager
  • Infrastructure, Technology Platforms, and Security Branch
    Danny Joncas, Acting Manager
  • Organizational Business Solutions Branch
    Alain Renaud, Manager
  • Digital Transformation Branch
    Manon Couture, Acting Manager

Administratation Vice-Presidency

Jean-Philippe Day, responsible

  • Financial and Material Resources Branch
    Brigitte Vachon, Manager
    • Financial Management Services
      Lise Caron, Head of department
  • Communications Branch
    Cynthia Byrne, Manager
  • Human Resources Branch
    Annie Jacques, Manager

Clientele Vice-Presidency

Virginie Simard, Vice-President

  • Financial Information Processing Branch
    Johanne Leblond, Manager

Service Centres

  • Eastern Quebec Territory
    • Alma Service Centre
      Yves Lefebvre, Territorial Manager
      • Lévis Service Centre
        Driss Ourahou, Regional Manager
      • Rivière-du-Loup Service Centre
        Driss Ourahou, Acting Regional Manager
      • Rimouski and Caplan Service Centres
        Benoit Rioux, Regional Manager
  • Central Quebec Territory
    • Nicolet and Trois-Rivières Service Centres
      Sébastien Cyr, Territorial Manager
      • Victoriaville Service Centre
        Sylvain Lesage, Regional Manager
      • Sherbrooke Service Centre
        Patrice Blais, Regional Manager
      • Sainte-Marie Service Centre
        Denis Bérubé, Regional Manager
  • Western Quebec Territory
    • Rouyn-Noranda Service Centre
      Sonia Simard, Territorial Manager
      • Saint-Hyacinthe Service Centre
        Philippe Gazé, Regional Manager
      • Saint-Jean-sur-Richelieu Service Centre
        Jacinthe Larochelle, Regional Manager
      • Châteauguay Service Centre
        Sonia Simard, Acting Regional Manager
      • L'Assomption Service Centre
        Marly Bah, Regional Manager
      • Gatineau Service Centre
        Sonia Simard, Acting Regional Manager