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La Financière agricole du Québec

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Crop Insurance

To Enrol

To enrol


Make certain you meet the eligibility criteria for each product you wish to insure.

  Contact us

Contact an advisor at your service centre.


To facilitate the opening of your file, please fill out the following form: 

 Enrolment deadlines
Insured cropEnrolment deadline
Apiculture – Subgroup BeesNovember 1 preceding the insurance year
Apiculture – Subgroup HoneyApril 30
Apple Trees - Plan ADecember 1 preceding the insurance year
Apples - Plan BApril 1 of the insurance year
Autumn CerealsNovember 1 preceding the insurance year
Cereal, Grain Corn and High-Protein Oilseed Crops – GrainApril 30
Cereal, Grain Corn and High-Protein Oilseed Crops – SeedApril 30
CranberriesApril 30
Day-Neutral StrawberriesApril 30
Grain Corn – CollectiveApril 30
Haskap berriesSeptember 30 preceding the insurance year
Hay, Corn Silage, Cereals and Emerging cropsApril 30
Maple syrupFebruary 15 of the insurance year
Market Garden Crops

April 30, except for vegetables grown for processing insurable until the seeding or planting start date indicated in the Directory of the dates for applying to the Crop Insurance Program

Market Garden Crops – Local Market GardeningApril 30
Market Garden Crops – Perennial VegetablesAccording to coverage chosen
PotatoesApril 30
Semi-cultivated low-bush blueberriesDecember 1 preceding the insurance year
Strawberries and Raspberries - Fall and Spring EnrolmentApril 30 for spring enrolment
November 15 preceding the insurance year for fall enrolment
Vegetables Grown for ProcessingBefore seeding or by the seeding cut-off date for each crop, i.e. July 15 for beans and June 24 for sweet corn and green peas

  Financing of the premium

The premium is usually cost-shared by the Canadian and Québec governments (60%) and participants (40%), although these proportions may vary according to the crops and benefit options chosen.

Choose your coverage and deductible option

Coverage option

At the time of enrolment, you must choose from the coverage options that are available for your crops and that best suit your situation.

The coverage option corresponds to the level of coverage you want to be insured for. It reflects the part of the damage covered by the insurance and is expressed in terms of a percentage. Coverage options vary according to the crop. The most common are between 60% and 80%.

Insurable value

The insurable value represents the monetary value of the insured crop. It varies according to the units insured and the unit price. To determine the insurable value, multiply the number of insured units by the selected unit price:

Insurable Value = Number of Insured Units x Unit Price

Insured value

The insured value is determined by multiplying the insurable value by the coverage option chosen by the participant:

Insured Value = Coverage Option x Insurable Value

The insured value represents the maximum amount that the participant could receive as compensation depending on the circumstances of the claim.


Unlike a home or auto deductible, the ASREC deductible is not expressed as a fixed amount, but rather as a percentage of the insurable value. The basic rating methodology is established for each coverage option offered. In addition, individual risks are taken into account through the loss ratio and years of experience.

The deductible is the portion of the loss that is the responsibility of the insured (not compensated by the insurer; in the case of ASREC, the insurer is the FADQ). The deductible varies according to the crops and the coverage options chosen. It is expressed as a percentage and corresponds to 100% minus the level of coverage (coverage option) chosen.

Thus, the higher the deductible, the greater the share of the risk assumed by the insured. On the other hand, the insurance premium decreases as the deductible increases. Losses below the deductible percentage are the responsibility of the client. The deductible has a direct impact on the insured value and therefore on the possible compensation.

The deductible is the difference between the insurable value and the insured value:

Deductible = Insurable Value - Insured Value

The minimum deductible that can be offered is defined in the legal framework:

  • For performance-based coverage, it cannot be less than 10%.
  • For non-performance based coverage, the minimum deductible is the average long-term loss percentage.

Example of the impact of the deductible on compensation:

Insurable production> With 80% coverage (20% deductible)

Deductible (2t/ha) Insured production (8t/ha)> 20%  80%>

Deductible (2t/ha)  Compensated loss (3t/ha) Actual production for year ((5t/ha)

To renew your enrolment

Your renewal is automatic based on your insured units from the year before. If you want to make any changes to your insurance certificate, please contact us before the enrolment deadline for your crop.